MBJ EL String - Inline

The MBJ EL String - Inline is an electroluminescence testing system for testing of strings before layup. The integration of the system direct after the stringing process gives a direct process Feedback. The rapid image acquisition, the convincing operating concept, and an attractive price turn the SolarString EL-inline into a testing system which is particularly well suited to production.

MBJ StringTester inline
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Technical details

  • Resolution: 200 μm/pixel
  • Image acquisition: < 1 sec
  • Camera: cooled 4 Megapixel NIR-CMOS
  • String size: 1400 mm für M6, M10 and G12
  • Size (BxHxL): 600 mm x 1520 mm x 1200 mm

Electroluminescence test

The layup system places the string to be tested above the inline string tester. The string is automatically contacted and connected to the power supply.

Several cooled CMOS cameras capture high-resolution EL images of each individual cell in a string so that even the smallest microcracks are visible.

Layup System

In the second step, the transmitted light illumination is switched on and thus the position of the string is determined and transferred to the layup control. A user-friendly software interface displays the captured images in the form of a line.

The operator can navigate interactively through the line and view individual images enlarged. The string is automatically evaluated by the software.

Elektrolumineszenz Auswertung
MBJ Solar String Tester

Special features

  • Inline inspection System for the Integration into layup systems
  • Fast image acquisition through multi camera concept
  • Integrated string measurement for layup control
  • Low investment costs