MBJ EL - Inline

The MBJ EL - Inline is a fast electroluminescence test system for reliable 24/7 use in any PV production line. With the internal transport system and an automatic electrical connection of the PV module it provides images with high pixel resolution for excelent EL image quality. An neural network finds defects automatic, fast and reliable. 

The MBJ EL - Inline supports modules up to 2700 mm in size.

Elektrolumineszenz-Prüfsystem für die vollautomatische Inline-Prüfung von Solarmodulen
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Technical details

  • High resolution electroluminescence inspection, 180 µm/pixel resolution
  • Camera: 12 MPixel cooled CMOS cameras
  • Fully automatic defect detection with AI and deep learning 
  • Available in two speed variants: High speed with < 20 s cycle time or standard with < 35 s
  • Automatic contacting for standard modules included
  • Integrated transport concept with center support for unframed modules
  • Module types: pre-laminates, laminates and framed modules, unframed glass-foil / glass-glass modules
  • All cell sizes up to G12
  • Fast product change
  • User-friendly analysis software included
  • Option: cell distance measurement, visual inspection, diode test, dark current measurement, MES interface and more
EL defect pictures

Automatic and fast inspection

The MBJ EL - Inline is a fully automated electroluminescence test system for the PV module production. It is fast, to match todays requirements of high throughput with a cycle time well below 20 seconds.

It is reliable, using high resolution images with 180 µm per pixel and neural networks with deep learning to detect and classify defects. 2 or 4 cooled 12 MPixel CMOS cameras, depending on your cycle time requirements, provide excellent EL image quality.

It is safe, as it uses an integrated transport system with an additional support for thin glass modules and an automatic electrical connection to the module. When needed a centering unit can be added for even better cell positioning over the cameras.

Automatic image evaluation with deep learning

The system offers fully automatic image evaluation using AI with deep learning approach, visualizing typical production problems like micro cracks, dark areas and stringing issues in high image resolution.

Our neural network-based defect detection is fast, reliable and robust. Each inline system comes with a pre-trained network that already includes microcrack detection.

It can easily be trained with individual defect types matching your production requirements. Defects are shown in the intuitive user interface which, when shown at a repair station, aids a quick repair bevor lamination.

The defect data, including an image of the module, is stored and can be used for your statistic reports when needed.

Neural network Deep learning
MBJ - Automatic cell measurement

Cell distance measurement and others functions

We offer addons for even better control of your process, so you can save money and avoid wasting valuable materials.

The cell distance measurement uses an independent illumination / camera setup to accurately measure cell-to-cell and cell-to-glass edges or distances in the inter connection area. It also detects cell edge chips or missing ribbons. The good thing: it has as good as no effect on the cycle time! Ideally used before and after lamination.

The visual inspection can high light lamination issues like bubbles or dirt specs when used in the backend or directly after lamination.

Other options like diode testing or dark current measurement give even more information about your process.

The repair stations visualize errors and error locations directly in front of the workstation where the repair is being carried out.



  • Automatic cell- and string distance measurements
  • Electrical contact unit for two junction boxes and center connection
  • Software for repair workstation
  • Visual front side defect inspection
  • Dark current test
  • Automatic Diode Test
  • Automatic Barcode Reader
  • MES interface SEGS / GEM PV02
  • Software license for an additional workstation
  • UPS integration for save system shutdown
  • Various interfaces such as Digital I/O, Profinet, Ethernetcat, CC Link, Modbus, DeviceNet and others
Support for thin glasses

Available system sizes

MBJ EL - Inline (Standard Version)
  • Maximum active cell area: 1360 x 2640 mm
  • Maximum module size: 1400 x 2750 mm
  • Module types: pre-laminates, laminates and framed modules, unframed glass-foil / glass-glass modules
  • No. of cameras: 2
  • No of camera pos.: 6
  • Image aqcquisition time: 12 s
MBJ EL - Inline (High Speed Version)
  • Maximum active cell area: 1360 x 2640 mm
  • Maximum module size: 1400 x 2750 mm
  • Module types: pre-laminates, laminates and framed modules, unframed glassfoil / glass-glass modules
  • No. of cameras: 4
  • No of camera pos.: 3
  • Image aqcquisition time: 6 s